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The Importance of Shot Blasting for Concrete Deck Preparation
At Techniquex, we are committed to providing the highest quality results in our deck preparations, which is why we exclusively use shot blasting for our concrete decks. Although shot blasting is both more expensive and time-consuming compared to acid washing, the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Why Shot Blasting?
Shot blasting is a mechanical process that provides a superior profile for concrete surfaces, ensuring a stronger and more durable bond for traffic coatings. The key advantage of shot blasting lies in its ability to consistently and thoroughly prepare the entire surface of the concrete, which is crucial for achieving a reliable bond.
The Limitations of Acid Washing
Acid washing, on the other hand, falls short in several critical areas:
  1. Inconsistent Etching: Acid washing only etches the areas of concrete it directly contacts. Concrete decks are typically cured with acrylic, which is a type of plastic. Since muriatic acid (used in acid washing) does not react with plastic, it cannot etch areas where the acrylic cure remains intact. This results in uneven surface preparation and patches where the concrete remains unetched and smooth, preventing proper bonding of the traffic coating.
  2. Acrylic Cure as a Bond Breaker: Acrylic acts as an ultimate bond breaker. Any areas where the acrylic cure is present will not bond with the traffic coating system, allowing the coating to peel off over time. This peeling compromises the integrity and longevity of the deck’s surface.
  3. Residual Fines: Even if the acid washing process etches the surface correctly, it often fails to remove the fine particles it loosens from the concrete. These fines weaken the surface because the traffic coating bonds to these loose particles instead of the solid concrete, increasing the likelihood of premature coating failure.
The Cost of Failure
Choosing acid washing over shot blasting can lead to significant financial repercussions. When a traffic coating fails, it is not just a minor inconvenience but a costly problem. The average cost of removing a failed coating exceeds $2 per square foot. This expense could have been avoided by investing in a more thorough and effective preparation method from the start.
Our Commitment to Quality
At Techniquex, our decision to exclusively use shot blasting underscores our commitment to quality and long-term performance. By ensuring that the concrete surface is optimally prepared, we provide a robust foundation for the traffic coating, enhancing its durability and lifespan. This meticulous approach minimizes the risk of failure and the associated costs of repairs and replacements.
In conclusion, while shot blasting may be more costly and time-intensive than acid washing, it is the only method that guarantees a consistent, high-quality surface preparation for concrete decks. At Techniquex, we prioritize durability and excellence, ensuring our clients receive the best possible results for their investment.
Baron Adelmann
President at Techniquex